Special Permission Request Form

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The parent/legal guardian of a student may request to attend a school of his or her choice, by special permission of the school division.

The special permission window is open during the following dates:
  • First business day of January – April 30 - LCPS employees
  • First business day of February – April 30 - Loudoun County residents
Special permission is contingent on the following:
  • Special permission is granted for one (1) school year in Grades K - 12. An application must be submitted annually.
  • Special permission may be approved for multiple years for middle & high school students until completion of the highest grade level at the school where special permission is granted.
  • Parents must provide transportation.
  • Students must be in compliance with school rules, including attendance/tardy rules.
  • Parents understand that special permission may impact athletic eligibility (VHSL rules).
    • Contact the Director of Athletics and Student Activitites with questions (571-252-1451).
    • If a high school student is placed at a school other than a student’s home school or moves back to the home school after attending a school outside of their attendance zone, it is considered a transfer by the Virginia High School League (VHSL) and renders a student ineligible for participation in league activities for 365 days. Beginning 2026-2027 there will be changes to the eligibility requirements. Parents are advised to contact the Director of Athletics and Student Activities at Derek.Farrey@lcps.org if you have questions about the status of your student’s VHSL eligibility or click here for more VHSL information.
  • Parents should renew their request for special permission annually by March 1 for middle or high school, or grade 5 renewals.
How to apply: Other factors:
  • Renewal applications received after March 1 will go through the regular special permission process.
  • Parents will be notified within 30 days of submitting their request with the exception of KG (will receive notification by July 1).
  • New students to LCPS will not need a student ID to place your special permission request; however, your special permission request will not be processed until your registration appointment has been completed at your home school. Please contact your home school for registration information.
  • Kindergarten notifications will be sent out by July 1.
  • If a parent/guardian wishes to rescind/cancel a special permission after it has been granted, a written request must be submitted to the Special Permissions office. At the elementary school level, if the student’s home school is at grade level capacity, the student may be reassigned to another school in which suitable capacity exists.
Family Relocation (Move-In) OPTION ONLY AVAILABLE for families that move during the school year.
  • A family in the process of buying, building, renting, or leasing a home in an attendance area, other than the one in which they presently reside, may be assigned to the school that the student will attend when the family moves into its new home provided that:
    • The school/grade level is not on school reassignment.
    • The signed purchase, lease, etc., will be completed within the school year.
    • The parent or guardian will provide transportation to and from school.
Family Relocation (Move-Out) OPTION ONLY AVAILABLE for families that move during the school year.
  • A student who changes residence within the County during the school year may complete that school year in the school in which the student was originally enrolled provided that:
    • The parent or guardian provides transportation to and from school.

NOTE: A student who is a junior at the time of changing residence may continue to attend the school to which he/she is enrolled until graduation provided that transportation to and from school is provided by parent/guardian and that a special permission request for the student’s senior year is submitted by the April 30 deadline.