Student Application - Special Permission

Please carefully review each reason for requesting permission to attend a school outside your current residence before making your selection
Why are you requesting special permission?
Please select only ONE:
* Required
* Required
Student ID:
Student Name:
Home Address:
Special Permission Guidelines
  • Special Permission is approved for one school year only.
  • In order for a student to continue at the school they are attending on special permission, a renewal must be submitted and approved during the request window.
  • Middle and high school students may be approved for multiple years until the student completes the highest grade-level at the school where special permission was granted.
  • Middle and high school parents should renew by March 1 for over-enrolled schools.
  • An approved special permission request requires that the parent/guardian/student provide daily transportation to and from school.
  • Certain athletic or league participation restrictions - For students in grades 9 - 12 only
    • Athletic eligibility is determined by the Virginia High School League (VHSL) Handbook rules, which are based upon the school of enrollment for a new ninth grade student. If a high school student is placed at a school other than a student’s home school or moves back to the home school after attending a school outside of their attendance zone, it is considered a transfer by the Virginia High School League (VHSL) and renders a student ineligible for participation in league activities for 365 days. Parents are advised to contact the Supervisor of Athletics at if you have questions about the status of your student’s VHSL eligibility.
  • Special Permission can be rescinded.
* Required
Student ID:
Student Name:
Home Address:
Parent Salutation:
Requested For Grade:
Requested School:

* Required
Please click Select to locate and upload a file
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Your request is summarized below. Please click on the Finish button to submit your request.
Requested Grade:
Requested School:
Parent Name:
Parent Email:
Current Address:
Primary Phone:
Number of files to upload:
I understand that:
  1. I am the parent/custodial parent or court-appointed guardian that is submitting this request.
  2. Special permission status if granted is for a maximum of one (1) school year.
  3. You must re-apply each year to remain at the requested school.
  4. If your request is approved, you are responsible for transportation to and from school.
* Required